Minterm Vs Maxterm

Q.1: Why are minterms and maxterms used for?


Minterms and maxterms are used for canonical representation of Boolean functions.

Q.2: How we represent minterms in K-maps?


Minterms are represented by m in K-maps. The output result of minterm function is 1.

Q.3: Write the two standard forms to represent the boolean expression used in K-map?


The sum of minterms in a function is called SOP (Sum of Product) and the product of maxterms in a function is called POS (Product of Sum).

Minterm vs Maxterm

Minterms and Maxterms are important parts of Boolean algebra. Minterm is the product of N distinct literals where each literal occurs exactly once. The output of the minterm functions is 1. Minterm is represented by m. Maxterm is the sum of N distinct literals where each literals occurs exactly once. The output of the maxterm functions is 0. Maxterm is represented by M. In this article we will learn about minterms and maxterms, their difference, why we use minterms and maxterms along with the solved examples.

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Why we use Minterms and Maxterms ?

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Solved Examples on Minterms and Maxterms

Example 1: For the Boolean variables A = 0, B = 1 and C = 0 obtain the minterm and maxterm for the variables....

FAQs on Minterm Vs Maxterm

Q.1: Why are minterms and maxterms used for?...

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