Microsoft Introduces Sudo for Windows

How do I run the sudo command in Windows 11?

The sudo command offers three configuration modes:

Opening in a new window: This mode launches a new window where the elevated command executes.

Input disabled: In this mode, the elevated command runs within the same window as the trigger, but without access to standard input.

Inline (normal) mode: Command runs in current window, allowing admin-level interaction with console. Beware of security risks.

What is the sudo equivalent for Windows 11?

gsudo is like sudo for Windows, working much like it does in Unix/Linux. It lets you run commands with higher permissions or elevate the current shell, whether in the current console window or a new one. Just start your command with gsudo (or the sudo alias) and it will run with elevated privileges.

Microsoft is bringing Linux’s Sudo command to Windows 11

Microsoft persists in its embrace of Linux, solidifying Windows as a welcoming environment for developers.

Microsoft continues to succeed with Linux by bringing the popular ‘sudo’ command to Windows 11. The introduction of ‘Sudo for Windows’ is specifically for developers, giving a solution for running elevated tools directly from an unelevated console session. This move follows Microsoft’s previous actions, including shipping a full Linux kernel in Windows 10 and incorporating Linux features.

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Microsoft is including the ‘sudo’ command, into Windows 11, popularly used in Unix-based systems like Linux and macOS. ‘Sudo for Windows’ will allow developers to run programs with higher security benefits or as another user directly from an unelevated console session. This provides an efficient and user-friendly approach....

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Is Sudo for Windows Safe

Microsoft has been committed to user security since the beginning. With Sudo for Windows, Microsoft assures users of a focus on an easy and secure experience. By activating ‘Sudo for Windows,’ developers will start using a powerful tool that not only improves command execution but also prioritizes the safety of the overall development environment on the Windows platform....

How to Use Sudo for Windows

To use Sudo for Windows, simply insert “sudo” at the beginning of the command you wish to execute with administrator privileges. For example, if you intend to run the command “ipconfig /flushdns” as an administrator, you would enter “sudo ipconfig /flushdns” in your console window....

Security Considerations

Running sudo in the Input closed (inputClosed) or Inline (normal) configurations comes with certain risks. Malicious processes might attempt to manipulate the elevated process using the connection established by the unelevated sudo.exe and the elevated sudo.exe process....


Microsoft’s ‘Sudo for Windows’ shows its efforts to make Windows comfortable for developers, and to be able to create a complete environment that helps with different needs. As developers explored this new feature in Windows 11, they took a step towards a developer-friendly ecosystem. Keep an eye on upcoming Windows updates for ‘Sudo for Windows’....

FAQs on Microsoft Introduces Sudo for Windows

How do I run the sudo command in Windows 11?...

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