Linkage and Recombination

Q1: Who is the father of linkage?


T.H. Morgan is known as the father of linkage.

Q2: What is the history of linkage?


In 1905, the first experiment to show linking was conducted. At the time, it was unclear why particular qualities seemed to run in families. Genes are physical structures that are connected by physical distance, according to later research. A centimorgan is a common unit of genetic linkage (cM).

Q3: What is the importance of recombination?


Hereditary recombinations give a consistent DNA homogenization inside the species and, in this manner, the species’ respectability as a rudimentary design answerable for the protection and ascend in the degree of biological solidness of creatures in developing genealogies.

Q4: What are two causes of recombination?


There are two particular hereditary components that lead to recombination i.e. independent assortment and crossing over.

Linkage And Recombination – Principles Of Inheritance And Variation Class 12 NCERT

CBSE Class 12- Principles Of Inheritance And Variation- Linkage And Recombination: Linkage and recombination are the phenomena that describe the inheritance of genes. Linkage and Recombination both are related to the genetic information inherited from parents to offspring. Linkage is the tendency of genes present close to each other on a chromosome to be inherited together more frequently than expected by chance. Recombination is the process by which genetic information from 2 parent chromosomes is mixed and exchanged during meiosis, resulting in new combinations of alleles in the offspring.

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Q1: Who is the father of linkage?...

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