
What is Isomerism?

Two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but distinct physical and chemical properties are known as isomers. Isomerism is the term for this phenomenon.

What are the Types of Isomerism?

Isomerism can be divided into two categories. Stereoisomerism and structural isomerism are the two types.

  • Structural isomerism
    1. Chain isomerism
    2. Positional isomerism
    3. Functional isomerism
    4. Metamerism
    5. Tautomerism
    6. Ring chain isomerism
  • Stereoisomerism
    1. Constitutional isomerism
    2. Conformational isomerism
      • Optical isomerism
      • Geometrical isomerism

What is Ring Chain Isomerism?

Compounds with the same chemical formula but open-chain or cyclic structures are known as ring chain isomers. Ring-chain isomerism is the term for this phenomena.

For example,  the molecular formula C3H6 represents the ring chain isomers


What is Chiral Carbon?

The carbon atom, which is attached to four different functional groups or molecules, is known as chiral carbon.

What is Structural Isomerism?

The structural isomers or constitutional isomers differ in the connection of their atoms, and this phenomenon is known as constitutional isomerism. There are six types of structural isomerism.

  1. Chain isomerism
  2. Positional isomerism
  3. Functional isomerism
  4. Metamerism
  5. Tautomerism
  6. Ring chain isomerism

What is Positional isomerism?

Position isomers are two or more compounds that differ in the position of a constituent atom or functional group on the carbon skeleton, and the phenomenon is known as position.

 For example,C3H8O, represents two alcohols:

Which type of Isomerism is possible in CH3CH=CHCH3?

H3C-CH=CH-CH3 and H2C=CH-CH2-CH3 are the possible structure of the given compound, and as the position of double bond is different in both the structures. Thus, CH3CH=CHCH3 has Positional Isomerism.


Isomerism refers to the phenomenon where two or more compounds have the same molecular formula but different structural arrangements or spatial orientations, resulting in distinct chemical properties. These compounds with the same formula but different structures are called isomers.

Let’s learn about isomerism in detail, including its types and examples.

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