International Solar Alliance

What is the International Solar Alliance (ISA)?

ISA is an intergovernmental alliance of 121 solar resource-rich countries lying fully or partially between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. It aims to help solar-rich developing nations deploy affordable solar energy at scale.

When was ISA launched?

ISA was jointly launched by India and France at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris.

What is the vision and target of ISA?

ISA’s vision is for solar energy to power the energy needs of its member countries. Its target is to mobilize $1 trillion in funds towards deploying 1 terawatt of new solar capacity globally by 2030.

How will ISA enable solar growth?

ISA provides a common platform for cooperation on financing, technologies, innovation, R&D, skills sharing and capacity building – all geared towards enabling member countries tap their solar potential.

How is ISA structured?

ISA is structured as an intergovernmental treaty-based organization with a General Assembly, Secretariat and various thematic/technical committees focusing on different aspects of solar advancement.

Who are some of the key founding members?

Apart from initiators India and France, prominent members include Australia, Bangladesh, Brazil, Japan, Nigeria, UK, USA along with most African and South Asian countries located in the tropics.

International Solar Alliance

International Solar Alliance: The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is an intergovernmental alliance of 121 sun-oriented rich nations lying between the Jungles of Malignant Growth and Capricorn. Initiated at COP21 in 2015, the ISA aims to collaborate on markets, technologies, and affordable solar financing to raise $1 trillion in investments by 2030. With India and France leading its establishment, ISA presents a committed stage to progress sun-based energy reception for environment activity and just energy changes across the creating scene.

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What is the International Solar Alliance (ISA)?

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is an international organization that aims to promote the use of solar energy around the world. It was founded in 2015 and is headquartered in India....

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Why International Solar Alliance?

Solar energy is a renewable source of energy that is abundant in many parts of the world, especially in regions near the equator where there is a lot of sunlight. Many countries, especially developing countries near the equator, have a lot of potential for using solar energy but lack the resources, technology, and knowledge to fully take advantage of it. By forming an international alliance, countries can work together to share knowledge, resources, and best practices for promoting and using solar energy. This cooperation and sharing of information can help countries make faster progress in adopting solar energy. Developing solar energy in more places can help create jobs, economic opportunities, and clean energy sources that don’t contribute to pollution or climate change. An international alliance can also have a stronger voice in advocating for policies, funding, and programs that support the growth of solar energy around the world....

Financing options of International Solar Alliance

ISA Solar Risk Mitigation Initiative – Provides risk guarantees and capital subsidies to support solar projects in member countries. ISA Solar Technology Application Resource Centers – Provides grants for pilot and demonstration projects to test new solar technologies. ISA Solar Loan Program – Facilitates access to concessional finance and blended financing for solar projects. ISA Solar Investment Action Agenda – Mobilizes $1 trillion in investments for solar projects through partnerships with multilateral development banks, pension funds, and other investors. ISA Master Solar Loan Agreement – Standardized loan agreement to reduce due diligence costs for solar lending. ISA Solar Technology Intellectual Property Pool – Aggregates and shares intellectual property and technological resources for solar deployment. ISA Solar Award – Recognizes and provides grants to innovative solar initiatives and startups. ISA Crowdfunding Platform – Enables individuals and organizations to directly contribute funding for small solar projects. ISA Member Country Contributions – Voluntary monetary contributions from member countries to fund ISA programs. Partnerships with Philanthropies and Corporations – Raising funds through corporate social responsibility and philanthropic initiatives....

What is India’s Role in International Solar Alliance?

Founding Member – India initially conceived and launched ISA in partnership with France at COP21 in 2015. Host Nation – The ISA Secretariat is based in India (Gurugram) and India provides hosting support. Major Contributor – India has committed $27 million to create the ISA corpus fund and hosts the ISA program office. Leadership – Indian officials have held leadership positions like Director General and President of the ISA Assembly. Enabling ISA Headquarters – India has provided land and buildings for the ISA headquarters rent-free for 25 years. Driving Solar Commitments – India has made major commitments to deploying solar, which helps drive ISA’s solar goals. India aims for 500GW of solar capacity by 2030. Knowledge Sharing – India shares lessons from its experience in areas like off-grid solar, solar for agriculture, financing innovations, etc. International Cooperation – India uses its diplomatic clout to get more countries to join and support the ISA. It jointly hosts global events like the Founding Conference. Capacity Building – India provides training and builds capabilities in solar project development, technology applications, etc. for ISA members. Innovation Support – India provides grants and support for piloting new solar technologies by startups and researchers across ISA members....

What are the advantages of International Solar Alliance?

Portability – Programs compiled for an ISA can run on any processor that implements that ISA. This makes it easier to switch between processor vendors or upgrade to new processors. Simpler compilers – Compilers only need to target the ISA rather than specific processors. This makes compilers easier to write and maintain. Innovation – With an abstraction layer between hardware and software, there is more flexibility for hardware designers to innovate under the hood while maintaining software compatibility. Compatibility – Older software can run on newer processors if they support the same ISA using backward compatibility. This preserves investments in software. Choice – An ISA creates a commodity market for compatible processors. This increases competition among vendors and choices for consumers. Longevity – Software outlives hardware. A stable ISA allows software investments to pay off over multiple generations of hardware upgrades. Security – Isolating software from hardware details through an ISA makes certain malware attacks more difficult....

How is International Solar Alliance different from other such organizations?

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) is an intergovernmental treaty-based alliance of solar-resource-rich countries. It was launched at the 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference....

Possible Challenges

Financial Constraints...

Road Map to the Future

Finance Mobilization...


The International Solar Alliance has immense potential to accelerate solar energy adoption across the developing world. Mobilizing financing, enabling policy frameworks, advancing technologies, building integrated markets, and driving private sector commitments are crucial to unlock this promise. With strong continued cooperation between its 121 solar resource-rich member countries, the ISA can bring affordable, reliable clean energy within reach for all. Achieving its ambitious solar deployment targets can significantly advance climate action and sustainable development globally....

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