Important Features of Himalayan Rivers

Q 1. What are the important features of the Himalayan rivers?


The important features of Himalayan rivers include the intensive erosional activity in the upper area which also carries a huge load of salt as well as sand along with it.

Q 2. What is the importance of the Himalayan rivers?


Himalayan rivers are home to many medicinal plants and also help to prevent dry wind and acts as barrier to monsoon winds of Indian ocean.

Q 3. How does a radical pattern of drainage develop?


When streams run in diverse directions from a central peak/dome, a radial pattern forms.

Q 4. Why are peninsular rivers called seasonal?


Seasonal rivers are so named because their flow is determined by rainfall. During the dry season, even big rivers like the Narmada have less water.

Enumerate some important features of Himalayan Rivers

The river system of a region is referred to as drainage. An area drained by a single river is referred to as a drainage system. Two drainage basins are separated by a mountain. A water divide is a term for this type of separation. India’s drainage system, or rivers, is separated into two primary groups: Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.

Most Himalayan rivers are perennial in nature and receive water from the melt of snow as well as rain. Himalayan rivers have long courses and do perform an intensive erosional activity in the upper course and also carry huge loads of silt and sand.

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FAQs on Important Features of Himalayan Rivers

Q 1. What are the important features of the Himalayan rivers?...

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