Heat and Temperature

Question 1: What is Heat?


Heat is the term used to describe the thermal energy that is transferred between molecules in a system due to a temperature difference. Joules are used to measure it. 

Question 2: What is Temperature?


Temperature may be defined as the thermal condition of a body that determines the direction of heat flow i.e. it determines whether the body will receive heat from another body or it will give heat to the same. 

Question 3: What are the Units of Measurement of Heat and temperature?


The unit of Heat is Joule (J) and can also measured in Calories (Cal). And the unit of temperature is Kelvin (K). Other units of temperature are °C and °F.

Question 4: What is the main difference between heat and temperature?


Heat is a form of energy which can be transferred from a hot to a cool temperature object. However, the temperature of an object measure the degree of hotness or coolness.

Question 5: How to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius?


Fahrenheit to Celsius can be using the following relation:

TC = (TF – 32)


  • TC is the Temperature in Fahrenheit and 
  • TF is the Temperature in Celsius.

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Difference between Heat and Temperature

Heat and Temperature are two related terms that people may confuse often. It should be noted that Heat and temperature are two different quantities. The fundamental difference between heat and temperature is that Heat is the form of energy that transfers from a hot state to a cold state. The unit of Heat is Joule. However, the temperature is the measure of the hotness and coldness of an object. The SI unit of Temperature is Kelvin. 

As shown below, water is boiling on a gas burner in a utensil. It can be observed that heat energy is transferred from the gas burner to the water when boiled. The water gets boiled at 100 °C, which is its temperature, and is measured with the help of a thermometer.


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Difference between Heat and Temperature

Heat Temperature Heat is a form of energy that is transferred between two bodies because of a temperature difference existing between them. Temperature is defined as the measure of the degree of hotness or coolness of any object. Heat is the total kinetic energy and potential energy obtained by molecules in an object.  Temperature is the average kinetic energy of molecules in a substance. Heat has a working capacity.  Temperature doesn’t have a working capacity.  Heat can flow from a hot to a cold object.  Temperature can rise when heated and decreases when an object is cooled down. The SI unit of Heat is Joule (J) and can also be measured in Calories (Cal). SI unit of temperature is Kelvin (K). Other units of temperature are °C and °F. Heat can be denoted by the symbol Q. Temperature can be denoted by the symbol T. The measure of Heat can be done with Calorimeter The measure of Temperature can be done with Thermometer....

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