
Question 1: How long does the flu last?


Commonly people recovered from flu in 4-7 days. Cough and tiredness may remain for weeks.

Question 2: What is common flu?


Common flu is a respiratory disease occurred because of the influenza virus.

Question 3: What causes Flu?


The influenza virus caused the common flu, Mostly if transferred from an infected person to a healthy person via air droplets of the infected person during coughing, and sneezing.

Question 4: What are the symptoms of influenza?


Symptoms of common flu are:

  1. Fever and chills
  2. Bodyache
  3. Cough and sore throat
  4. Eye pain

Question 5: Is influenza a viral disease?


Yes, common flu or influenza is a viral disease caused by the influenza virus which affects the respiratory system of humans.

Influenza or Common Cold

Common flu is also known as Influenza. It is a respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus. Flu is a respiratory infection of the respiratory tract i.e., nose, throat, and lungs. Flu symptoms involve fever and headache. People having the flu are at high risk of getting serious complications if they are already suffering from prior health conditions. 

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Question 1: How long does the flu last?...

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