Distributed Transaction

Q.1: Explain why distributed transactions are necessary in distributed transactions?


Distributed transactions are needed in order to maintain the integrity and consistency of data access the multiple data resources such as repositories or databases connected in a same network. Distributed transactions coordinates the operations across multiple resources.

Q.2: What happens if any participating resource fails during a distributed transaction?


If any participating resource fails during the transaction, the coordinator of transaction detects this failure and then initiates proper recovery mechanisms. Mechanisms it can involve includes resending the transaction to some other alternative available, abortion of transaction, and retrying the operation on same failed resource.

Q.3: What are the goals of distributed transactions?


The main aim of Distributed Transactions is to maintain the durability, atomicity, isolation and fault tolerance.

Q.4: What is the role of the transaction coordinator in distributed transactions?


The transaction coordinator in distributed systems is responsible for initiating and then coordinating the transaction for its succesful completion. It makes sure that all the resources involved in the transaction are working.

What is a Distributed Transaction?

A distributed transaction is defined as a group of operations that are to be performed across more than one database or data repository. The operations are performed by multiple nodes that are connected to a single network. The distributed transaction ensures ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) properties and data integrity.

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Advantages of Distributed Transactions

Data Consistency: Data Consistency is being provided across multiple resources by distributed transactions. Various Operations are being coordinated across multiple database resources. This makes sure that system remains in a consistent state even in case of any type of failure. Fault Tolerance: Distributed systems can handle faults and ensure proper transactions. If the participating resource fails during the execution of the transaction the transaction can be then rolled back on alternate resources and completed successfully. Guarantees Transactions: Distributed systems guarantee the transaction. It provides features such as durability and isolation. The durability makes sure that if any transaction is committed, the changes last even if any failures occur....

Applications Area of Distributed Transactions

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: ERP systems consist of departments within one organization. Therefore distributed transactions are used here in order to maintain transactions from various modules such as sales, inventory, finance, and human resources management. Cloud Computing: Distributed transactions are being used in cloud-based applications. Transactions can be done with the help of multiple data sources and ensure that data updates and operations that are performed consistently. Healthcare Systems: Healthcare systems make use of Distributed transactions when coordinating patient records, scheduling appointments for patients, and managing the billing systems. Distributed transactions maintain data consistency and performance in healthcare systems....


Distributed transactions are used when multiple resources such as repositories or database systems are used in order to perform the transaction. Distributed transactions provide various benefits such as data consistency, guarantees transaction, and improve the overall performance and scalability of the system. Therefore distributed transactions are being used in various applications in order to gain the above benefits....

FAQs on Distributed Transaction

Q.1: Explain why distributed transactions are necessary in distributed transactions?...

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