Dipole in a Uniform External Field

What are the real-life applications of a dipole in a uniform external field?

The behavior of dipoles in uniform external fields has applications in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and engineering. Examples include the alignment of molecules in electric or magnetic fields, the operation of devices like electric motors and generators, and the behavior of particles in particle accelerators .

Where is the dipole in unstable equilibrium in a uniform external field?

The dipole is in unstable equilibrium when its dipole moment is perpendicular to the external field. In this orientation, the torque on the dipole is maximum, and any small displacement from equilibrium results in a torque that further rotates the dipole away from its original position.

What is the potential energy of a dipole in a uniform external field?

The potential energy U of a dipole in a uniform external field is given by the dot product of the dipole moment p​ and the external field U = −p​⋅E. This represents the work done by the external field in reorienting the dipole.

How does the orientation of the dipole affect the torque?

The torque experienced by the dipole depends on the angle between the dipole moment and the external field. It is maximum when the dipole moment is perpendicular to the external field and minimum (zero) when the dipole moment is parallel / antiparallel to the field.

Dipole in a Uniform External FieldDipole in a Uniform External Field

If a dipole is in a uniform electric field, it will experience some force and a rotating effect. This rotating effect is known as ‘torque’. Torque is a vector quantity, and its direction generally depends only on the force applied. The torque is calculated based on the rotational effect experienced by the electric dipole as a result of its interaction with the electric field. It arises from the alignment of the dipole moment, which is a vector pointing from the negative to the positive charge, with the direction of the electric field.

In this article we will learn about the topic dipole in a uniform external field but first revise the basic terms like “Torque”, “Dipole”, “electric field”, and dipole in a uniform external field study material.

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FAQs on Dipole in a Uniform External Field

What are the real-life applications of a dipole in a uniform external field?...

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