Differentiated Services (DiffServ) and Traffic Classification

Q.1: What is meant by Terms of Service(ToS)?


Terms of Service(ToS) is defined as a type of document that describes about the responsibiliies of service provider and the user obligations that must be followed in order to continue the service. The users get terminated from the service if they don’t follow the rules that are described in Terms of Service.

Q.2: What are the three different types of network traffic and state the transmission protocol used for each?


The three categories of network traffic are voice traffic, video traffic and data traffic. Where UDP is used for voice and video traffic because both are real time and sensitive traffic. TCP is used for data traffic as it is insensitive traffic and the retransmission mechanism of TCP can guarantee the transmission.

Q.3: What is meant by per-hop behavior in the differentiated services model?


In Differentiated services model, each packet is given with one of the 64 possible forwarding behaviours also known as per-hop behaviour(PHBs). PHB is used to define the packet forwarding procedure of each node that is determined by DiffServ code point.

Differentiated Services (DiffServ) and Traffic Classification

Differentiated Services (DiffServ) is defined as a class of service(COS) model that is used to describe and control the IP network traffic by class. The main aim of differentiated services is to give priority to the specific traffic that needs an uninterrupted flow of data. In Differentiated services, the traffic is divided into multiple classes and each class is treated and prioritized differently. This technique of classification used by differentiated services is useful when there are limited or less number of resources. Differentiated services work at the Network layer of the Open Systems Interconnection(OSI) Model. An example of Differentiated services is voice traffic.

As compared to the quality of service (QoS) approach Differentiated services provide with more scalable and flexible way of controlling the traffic. In the Differentiated Services model, each packet is given one of the 64 possible forwarding behaviors also known as per-hop behavior (PHBs).PHB is used to define the packet forwarding procedure of each node that is determined by the DiffServ code point.

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FAQs on Differentiated Services (DiffServ) and Traffic Classification

Q.1: What is meant by Terms of Service(ToS)?...

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