Colonial Rule affect Tribal Lives

Q 1. How did Colonial rule affect tribal lives?


The lives of tribal people were affected drastically after colonial rule. The lands in which their cattle graze had shrunk, their movements came to be strictly regulated and revenue that had to pay increased, and their agricultural herds also declined and also trades and craft.

Q 2. What was the impact of colonial rule on the tribal economy?


The tribal population was not in per with the coming of the colonial authority. The implications of british land revenue and Forest law affects the livelihood of people and the practice of shifting cultivation depended heavily on it.

Q 3. What is the colonial rule in India?


Colonial rule refers to the period of colonial control and the time when India was a colony of British. It came to last between 1858 to 1947.

How did Colonial Rule affect Tribal Lives?

Colonial Rule is training or strategy of control by one individual or control over others or regions, frequently by laying out settlements and by and large with the point of financial strength. During the time spent on colonization, colonizers might force their religion, language, financial matters, and other social practices.

How Colonial Rule Affect Tribal Lives?

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