Clean And Better Code

1. How can I write clean and Better Code?

Write Clean and Better code is a best practice which comes with experience. But here are some tips that you can follow to write clean and better code:

1. Use meaningful names
2. Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)
3. Avoid Writing Unnecessary Comments
4. Write Readable Code For People
5. Write Unit Tests

2. Why is writing Clean and Better Code is important?

While working on a Project, multiple people interact with the codebase, so it is important for a Programmer to write clean and better code.

3. How can I reduce Code Duplication?

To reduce Code Duplication, you can follow “DRY” (Do not Repeat Yourself) Principle. It is one of the important aspect of writing clean and maintainable code.

7 Tips To Write Clean And Better Code in 2024

Software engineering is not just all about learning a language and building some software. As a software engineer or software developer, you are expected to write good software. So the question is what makes good software? Good software can be judged by reading some pieces of code written in the project. If the code is easy to understand and easy to change then definitely it’s a good software and developers love to work on that.

It’s a common thing in development that nobody wants to continue a project with horrible or messy code (It becomes a nightmare sometimes…). Sometimes developers avoid writing clean code due to deadline pressure. They rush to go faster but what happens actually is they end up going slower. It creates more bugs which they need to fix later going back on the same piece of code. This process takes much more time than the amount of time spent on writing the code. A study has revealed that the ratio of time spent reading code versus writing is well over 10 to 1.

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an experienced programmer, you should always try to become a good programmer (not just a programmer…). Remember that you are responsible for the quality of your code so make your program good enough so that other developers can understand and they don’t mock you every time to understand the messy code you wrote in your project. Before we discuss the art of writing clean and better code let’s see some characteristics of it…

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7 Tips To Write Clean And Better Code

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FAQs on Clean And Better Code

For the purpose of creating high-quality software that is ultimately simple to maintain, test, and update, cleaner and better code must be written. In a Project different developers have to add multiple features on a shared project, so it become important for a developer to write , more clean and redable code that can be easily understandable by its naming convention itself. Developers can produce software that is reliable, scalable, and simple to use by adhering to the 7 recommended practices listed above and writing the code in a clear, organized, legible, and efficient manner....

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