Article 22 of the Indian Constitution

What is the primary objective of Article 22 of the Indian Constitution?

The primary objective of Article 22 is to ensure that the rights of individuals are protected when they are arrested and detained by the state.

What rights does Article 22 provide to arrested persons?

Article 22 provides arrested persons with the right to be informed of the grounds for arrest, the right to consult a lawyer, and the right to be produced before a magistrate within 24 hours of arrest. It also provides for the right to bail and prohibits the state from detaining a person beyond a reasonable period of time.

What are the rights of a detained person under Article 22?

The rights of a detained person under Article 22 include the right to be informed of the grounds of detention, the right to consult a lawyer, and the right to be produced before a court within a reasonable period of time.

What are the drawbacks of Article 22?

Despite the provisions of Article 22, there have been instances where the rights of arrested persons have been violated in practice. This is partly due to a lack of awareness among the police and other state officials about the provisions of the article and partly due to a lack of accountability mechanisms to ensure compliance with the article.

What can be done to ensure that the rights of arrested persons are protected in practice?

To ensure that the rights of arrested persons are protected in practice, it is important to raise awareness among the police and other state officials about the provisions of Article 22 and the importance of compliance with it. The state should also establish accountability mechanisms to ensure compliance with the article and to hold officials who violate it accountable.

Article 22 of the Indian Constitution

Article 22 of the Indian Constitution deals with the protection of arrested persons. This article lays down the rights of arrested persons and the procedures to be followed by the authorities when someone is arrested. Article 22(1) declares that individuals in custody must be apprised of the grounds for their arrest and have the right to consult with legal counsel. Additionally, under Article 22(2), those who are arrested are entitled to be presented before a judicial magistrate within 24 hours of their apprehension.

Article 22

It provides for the right to be informed of the grounds of arrest, the right to consult a lawyer, and the right to be produced before a magistrate within 24 hours of arrest. Additionally, it also states that no person who is arrested shall be detained in custody for more than 24 hours without a warrant of a Magistrate. Article 22 is an important safeguard against arbitrary arrest and detention, and it plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of citizens against abuse of power by the state.

Table of Content

  • About Article 22 of the Indian Constitution
  • Provisions of Article 22
  • Objectives of Article 22
  • Achievements of Article 22
  • Challenges of Article 22
  • Impact of Article 22

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What is the primary objective of Article 22 of the Indian Constitution?...

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