Data Science Blogathon 2024

1. Who can participate?

Anyone can participate in the Data Science Blogathon 2024 event.

2. How many articles can I write?

You can write as many articles as you want as long as they are technical articles and not posted on our website already.

3. How will I get paid?

If you are already an author on w3wiki then you can apply for payment as you normally would. If you are a new author, Go to the Work with Us tab, Click on Apply here on the Write portal to apply for an offer letter, and then click on the Remuneration tab on the Write portal to apply for payment. In both cases, the payment will be received in the first week of the following month. Here is an example, if Ajay applies for the remuneration at the Starting, Middle, or end of Feb 2024 then he will get the payment in the first week of March 2024.

4. Is there any minimum number of articles to participate in the event?

No, you can participate in the event by publishing at least one article and can apply for remuneration for it.

5. Is there any minimum number of articles to get the rewards and certificate?

Participation certificates and rewards will be awarded to participants who have a minimum of 3 articles published in the event.

6. What will be the last date to submit the article?

The last date for article submission is 7th July 2024. However, you need to know if you submit the article on the last date and get feedback on it to make some changes then you’ll get 7 more days to make the required changes in the article and submit it again for the review process.

7. Can I submit my article which I have published on another platform also?

No, the article must be unique, and original, and not be published on any other platform. Also, it should be plagiarized-free.

8. After I submit the article, what process will take place?

Once you write and submit the article, then the status of your article becomes Pending. The team then reviews your article and gives you feedback in comments (if needed) under the article and saves your article status to Awaiting Author. After that, you’re required to make the changes as per the feedback and again submit the article for review and the status of your article becomes Pending again. Finally, after you have made all the required improvements, your article status becomes In Review, which means it has been approved. Also, when your article gets published, the status of your article becomes Published.

9. If I am already getting more than INR 700 per published article, then which amount will be considered for this event?

If you’re already associated with GFG and getting paid INR 500- 700/published article, then you’ll receive the maximum amount that GFG is paying before this event. But you will get a chance to win some exciting prizes like Tablets, Alexa and GFG Goodies.

10. Can I receive payment through PayPal?

Currently, we accept payment transfers through Net banking/Transfer and do not entertain PayPal or another third-party app to transfer the remuneration.

11. During this event, my articles will also count for Internship?

Yes, your articles will be considered for the internship also.

Data Science Blogathon 2024 – From Data to Intelligence

Attention, data science enthusiasts, AI aspirants, and machine learning masterminds! Are you passionate about delving into the fascinating world of data science? Do you desire to showcase your expertise and contribute to a vibrant community? Then the w3wiki Data Science Blogathon is your perfect platform to shine!

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FAQs: Data Science Blogathon 2024

1. Who can participate?...

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