Factor Pair of 25

Factor pair refers to the pair of integers that when multiplied together gives the original number as answer. There are various factors pairs of 25 such as (5, 5), (-1, -25), (1, 25), and (-5, -5).

Factor pair can be positive and negative as well.

Positive Factor Pair of 25

Positive factor pair of 25 are:

Factor Pair Factors
(1, 25) 1 × 25
(5, 5) 5 × 5

Negative Factor Pair of 25

Negative factor pair of 25 are:

Factor Pair Factors
(-1, -25) (-1) × (-25)
(-5, -5) (-5) × (-5)

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Factors of 25

Factors of 25 are 1, 5, and 25. Factors are the numbers that divide the original number without leaving any remainder i.e., remainder = 0. For any number, there are two factors always i.e., 1 and number itself. If any number has more than two factors then that number is composite otherwise it is a prime number. Every number can be written as the production of prime numbers, this process of finding all prime factors of a number is called prime factorization.

In this article, we will discuss all things about “Factors of 25” including its list of factors, factor tree, prime factors, etc. This article will help you answer the question “What are the factors of 25?”, “how many factors are there for 25?”, etc.

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Factor Pair of 25

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