
  • Component Structure: The DraggableModal component returns a react-bootstrap Modal with a draggable container using the react-draggable library, and it takes show, onHide, title, and body as props.
  • Props Usage: The DraggableModal component utilizes props like show, onHide, title, and body to control the appearance, hiding, and content of the modal.
  • Draggable Functionality: By wrapping the Modal header and body with the Draggable element from react-draggable, the modal becomes draggable, allowing users to move it around the screen.
  • State Handling in App.js: In the App.js file, the useState hook is employed to manage the state of a button component, and the DraggableModal component is utilized, providing a draggable modal experience.

How to make react-bootstrap modal draggable?

In this article, we will learn how to make a react-bootstrap modal draggable. React-bootstrap is a popular library for building effective components for React applications. It provides various styled components, modals, attributes, etc.

To make a React-Bootstrap modal draggable, you can use a third-party library like react-draggable. Install it, and wrap your modal component with Draggable. Now, your modal can be smoothly dragged around the screen, offering a user-friendly and intuitive experience.

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