Exit without errors

Sometimes to terminate a code block, and it’s related process, we raise errors. These errors can be handled on the calling function side. Here, we have raised a SyntaxError with custom error message to terminal the code. The try…except block handles the error and terminates the code normally.

Using explicitly raised errors to terminate a process

In the given example, the `main` function intentionally raises a custom `SyntaxError`. The `try-except` block in the `__main__` section catches the specific `SyntaxError` raised by the `main` function, and prints “We caught the error!” as a response.


def main():
    raise SyntaxError("Custom Syntax Error")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    except SyntaxError:
        print("We caught the error!")


We caught the error!

How to Exit a Python script?

In this article, we are going to see How to Exit Python Script.

Exiting a Python script refers to the termination of an active Python process. In this article, we will take a look at exiting a Python program, performing a task before exiting the program, and exiting the program while displaying a custom (error) message.

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Exit with Error Messages


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