Exceptions While Working With Python String rpartition()

TypeError: If a separator argument is not supplied, it will raise TypeError


# Python3 code explaining TypeError
# in rpartition()
string = "Bruce Waine is Batman"
# Nothing is passed as separator

Output : 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/e207c003f42055cf9697001645999d69.py", line 7, in 
TypeError: rpartition() takes exactly one argument (0 given)

ValueError: If the separator is an empty String, then rpartition() Method raises ValueError


string = "Bruce Waine is Batman"
# Nothing is passed as separator

Output : 

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/c8d9719625793f2c8948542159719007.py", line 7, in 
ValueError: empty separator

Python String rpartition() Method

Python String rpartition() Method split the given string into three parts. rpartition() starts looking for separator from the right side, till the separator is found and return a tuple which contains part of the string before separator, the separator and the part after the separator.

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Python String rpartition() Method Syntax

Syntax :  string.rpartition(separator) Parameters :   separator –  separates the string at the first occurrence of it. Return Value :  It returns the part the string before the separator, separator parameter itself, and the part after the separator if the separator parameter is found in the string. It returns two empty strings, followed by the given string if the separator is not found in the string....

Exceptions While Working With Python String rpartition()


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