Excel Nested IFs Statement

The structure of the Nested If statement in Excel is :

If condition/expression Then

    Code Block 1

    Else If condition/expression Then

        Code Block 2

    Else If condition/expression Then

        Code Block 3


        Code Block 4


    Code Block 5

End If

Some important keywords used in Excel are as follows :

  1. InputBox,: To take input from the user
  2. MsgBox: To display output to the user

Nested If Practical Example

Consider a grading system where grading is based on the marks obtained in the exam. For example, If a student obtained 95 marks, the grade obtained by the student is S grade, and so on.


Sub Nested_If_Grade()

‘Declaring the variable marks

Dim marks As Integer

‘Asking marks from the user

marks = InputBox(“Enter Your Marks:”)

If marks >= 90 Then

 MsgBox “You got S grade”


If marks >= 80 Then

  MsgBox “You got A grade”


If marks >= 70 Then

 MsgBox “You got B grade”


If marks >= 60 Then

 MsgBox “You got C grade”


If marks >= 50 Then

 MsgBox “You got D grade”


If marks >= 40 Then

 MsgBox “You got E grade”


 MsgBox “You have failed in the exam”

End If

End If

End If

End If

End If

End If

End Sub

Result :

VBA Multiple (Nested) If Statements in Excel

VBA in Excel stands for Visual Basic for Applications, which is Microsoft’s programming language. To optimize the performance and reduce the time in Excel we need Macros and VBA is the tool used in the backend.

What decision-making reasoning do you often use in your Excel worksheets? In most circumstances, you would test your condition using an IF formula and return one value if the condition is met and another value if it is not. You can nest multiple IFs inside of one another to assess more than one condition and return different values based on the outcomes.

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