Examples Showing of Web Storage API

1. Using sessionStprage setItem Method:

Example: In this example, we will store the data using the sessionStorage setItem method and retrieve them using the sessionStorage getItem method.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Session storage</title>
        <h1 style="color:green">Welcome To GFG</h1>
        <h2>Geeks details From session Storage</h2>
        <h2 id="ele"></h2>
        sessionStorage.setItem('name', 'Arvind Kumar')
        sessionStorage.setItem('Course', 'Mtech');
        sessionStorage.setItem('Age', 23);
        sessionStorage.setItem('Batch', '3rd');
        document.getElementById("ele").innerHTML = '<h3>Name: '
            + sessionStorage.getItem("name") + '</h3><h3>Course: ' +
            sessionStorage.getItem('Course') + '</h3>' + '<h3> Batch: ' +
            sessionStorage.getItem('Batch') + '</h3>' + '<h3>Age: ' +
            sessionStorage.getItem('Age') + '</h3>';



Output of session Storage file:


2. Using localStorage setItem Method:

Example: In this example we will store the data using localStorage setItem and retrieve them using getItem method.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>local storage</title>
        <h1 style="color:green">Welcome To GFG</h1>
            <label>Username : <input id="name" /></label>
            <label>Password : <input id="password" /></label>
            <button onclick="fun()">Submit</button>
            <button onclick="fun2()">Get details</button>
        <h2 id="ele"></h2>
        function fun() {
        function fun2() {
            document.getElementById("ele").innerHTML = '<h3>name: '
                + localStorage.getItem("name") + '</h3><h3>Passward: ' +
                localStorage.getItem('password') + '</h3>';



Output of local storage:

In summary, the Web Storage API simplifies data storage and retrieval, making it a valuable tool for web developers. Remember to use it wisely and consider the storage limits and security implications.

Supported Browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Opera

Web Storage API

Web API Storage facilitates the feature of storing data within the browser on the client side. It is also referred to as web storage. It uses a key-value pair format to store the data.

Table of Content

  • Web Storage API Concepts and Usage
  • Web Storage API Interfaces
  • Examples Showing of Web Storage API

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