Examples of RPC

Here are a few examples of how RPC can be used in practice:

Example 1: Financial Transactions: Suppose you are building a financial application that needs to execute transactions on a remote server. You might implement an RPC-based interface that allows the client to invoke a “transfer_funds” method on the server, passing in the amount to be transferred and the account details of the sender and recipient.

Example 2: Image Processing: Suppose you are building an application that needs to process images on a remote server. You might implement an RPC-based interface that allows the client to invoke an “apply_filter” method on the server, passing in the image data and the name of the filter to be applied.

Remote Procedure Calls in Network Abstractions | System Design

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a technique used for making a call to a function or method that resides on a remote server as if it were a local function call. RPC is commonly used in distributed systems where different components of an application run on different computers or servers and communicate with each other over a network. This article explains the basics of RPC, it’s working, and its applications.

RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call, which is a technique for making a call to a function or method that resides on a remote server as if it were a local function call. It is a mechanism for communicating with a server and requesting it to execute a specific method, with the results of the method execution returned to the client.

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Why use RPC?

RPC is used in distributed systems where different components of an application run on different computers or servers and communicate with each other over a network. RPC provides a way for these components to interact with each other in a simple and efficient way, abstracting away the complexity of low-level network protocols. RPC makes it possible to develop applications in which different components can be developed independently and then combined together into a working system....

Elements of RPC Mechanism:

Client : Client is a user process that initiates a remote call of a procedure (or a method or a function).In other words, it is the program or application that makes the request to a remote server. Client Stub: Client stub is a code module that resides on client side and acts as a proxy for remote procedures. It marshals the arguments of the procedure call into a format that can be transmitted over the network to the server. RPC Runtime: The RPC runtime is a software layer that manages the communication between the client and the server. It provides the infrastructure for handling remote procedure calls, including message serialization and deserialization, transport protocol management, and error handling. Server Stub: The server stub is a code module that resides on the server side and receives the request from the client stub. It unmarshals the arguments, calls the actual procedure, and marshals the return value into a format that can be transmitted back to the client. Server: The server is the program or application that receives the remote procedure call and executes the requested procedure. It processes the request, generates the response, and sends it back to the client....

How does RPC work?

RPC works by defining a contract between the client and server, specifying the methods that can be called on the server, and then the parameters and return values of those methods. The client then invokes the remote method by sending a message to the server over network. This message includes the name of the method to be invoked, along with any parameters that need to be passed to the method in doing so....

Examples of RPC

Here are a few examples of how RPC can be used in practice:...

Advantages of RPC

Abstraction: RPC abstracts away the details of network communication and low-level protocols, making it easier for developers to build distributed applications. Efficiency: RPC can be more efficient than other communication methods, such as HTTP because it uses a more lightweight protocol and can transmit data more quickly. Scalability: RPC is scalable because it allows different components of an application to run on different machines or servers, enabling horizontal scaling. Flexibility: RPC can be used with different languages and platforms, making it a versatile technology for building distributed systems. Interoperability: RPC allows different components of an application to communicate with each other regardless of the programming language or platform used....

Disadvantages of RPC

While RPC has many advantages, it also has some disadvantages:...

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