Example of Risk Identification

Now, let us understand all these concepts using a real-world example. Suppose, you are working on the App development project for health care. In that case, various activities in the Risk identification will be performed to find the risks associated with the project. After implementing all the steps that we learned above, we will get the risks as shown below:

Now, let us understand all these concepts using a real-world example.

  1. Suppose, you are working on the App development project for health care. In that case, various activities in the Risk identification will be performed to find the risks associated with the project.
  2. Risks associated with this project are classified into various categories such as compliance issues, market factors, government policies, project team, etc.
  3. Here, the comparison with the records not only helps us to identify past challenges and issues but also to predict future problems in the project.
  4. After implementing all the steps that we learned above, we will get the risks as shown below:

Risk Category

Possible Risks

Regulatory Risks

  • Changes in healthcare regulations affecting app compliance
  • Delays in obtaining regulatory approvals for the health app

Security Risks

  • Cybersecurity threats compromising sensitive health data
  • Data breaches leading to privacy concerns

Technical Risks

  • Challenges in ensuring HIPAA compliance for healthcare data
  • Difficulties in integrating the app seamlessly with various health monitoring devices

Project Management Risks

  • Disruptions due to changes in healthcare policies affecting technical specifications
  • Maintaining a user-friendly interface amidst evolving healthcare guidelines

User Acceptance Risks

  • Potential delays in project timelines due to unforeseen challenges
  • Ensuring the accuracy of health metrics for user trust

Agile Risk Identification Part 1

When the Agile project begins, the stakeholders and product owners focus on executing the project plan iteratively. However, they tend to ignore small mistakes which may lead to project failure. Risk is not like a big or significant error or bug. It is just a small issue that is not fixed on time, due to which it becomes a severe risk. Hence, it does not matter what Agile Methods we are using to deliver the project.

Whatever you implement should be risk-free so that stakeholders become satisfied with the project outcomes. So, let us learn how to identify the project risks, which is covered in part 1 of the Agile Risk Identification.

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Now, let us understand all these concepts using a real-world example. Suppose, you are working on the App development project for health care. In that case, various activities in the Risk identification will be performed to find the risks associated with the project. After implementing all the steps that we learned above, we will get the risks as shown below:...


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