Example of Queries using IN Operator in MariaDB

Query 1: Filter by String Values

SELECT product_name FROM products WHERE category IN ('Electronics', 'Appliances');

This query will retrieve the names of products from the products table where category is either Electronics or Appliances.


IN Operator

Query 2: Using AND Operator

SELECT product_id, category , unit_price FROM products WHERE product_id IN (1,2,3) AND stock_quantity > 20;

This query will give a list of product_id, category and unit_price from the products table where product_id is either 1, 2 or 3 and stock_quantity is greater than 20.


IN Operator

Query 3: Filter Using Multiple Columns

SELECT product_name FROM products WHERE (product_id, category) IN ((1, 'Electronics'), (2, 'Electronics'), (3, 'Appliances'));

This query will give the list of product names which belongs to specified id and category.


IN Operator

Query 4: Filtering With Character Values

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name IN ('Laptop', 'Smartphone', 'Coffee Maker');

This query will retrieve all the columns from the product table where product_name is either Laptop, Smartphone or Coffee Maker.


IN Operator

Query 5: Using Not Operator

SELECT * FROM products WHERE product_name NOT IN ('Laptop', 'Smartphone');


IN Operator


The IN function in MariaDB is a valuable tool for filtering data by multiple objectives, providing simplicity, performance gains, and flexibility in executing dynamic queries Whether you work with small data sets or large databases understanding and using the IN function can increase the performance and the readability of your SQL queries.

MariaDB IN Operator

MariaDB uses SQL (Structured Query Language) and it is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) for managing and manipulating data. IN operator is one of the useful operators for data retrieval in MariaDB. It allows you to specify a list of values in a WHERE clause to filter the result set based on those values. In this article, we will go through the multiple examples of the IN operator in MariaDB.

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IN Operator

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Example of Queries using IN Operator in MariaDB

Query 1: Filter by String Values...

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