Example of Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation

Problem Statement:

You are tasked with estimating the bandwidth requirements for a new video streaming platform that will deliver high-definition (HD) content to users. The platform aims to serve 10,000 concurrent users during peak hours.

Below are the steps for Back of the Envelope Estimation

Step 1: Define Parameters

  • Number of concurrent users: 10,000
  • Quality of video: High-definition (HD)
  • Average bitrate of HD video: Let’s assume 5 Mbps (megabits per second) for this example.

Step 2: Calculate Total Bandwidth

  • To estimate the total bandwidth required, multiply the number of concurrent users by the average bitrate of the video stream.
  • Total Bandwidth = Number of Users × Bitrate per User
  • Total Bandwidth = 10,000 users × 5 Mbps
  • Total Bandwidth ≈ 50,000 Mbps

Step 3: Convert Bandwidth

  • Convert the total bandwidth from Mbps to Gbps (gigabits per second) for easier understanding.
  • Total Bandwidth ≈ 50 Gbps (1 Gbps = 1000 Mbps)

Step 4: Consider Additional Factors

Consider additional factors such as overhead for protocol headers, network congestion, and peak traffic spikes. For simplicity, let’s add a 20% overhead factor.

  • Total Bandwidth with Overhead = Total Bandwidth × (1 + Overhead Factor)
  • Total Bandwidth with Overhead ≈ 50 Gbps × (1 + 0.20)
  • Total Bandwidth with Overhead ≈ 60 Gbps

Step 5: Check Feasibility

Compare the estimated bandwidth requirements with available network infrastructure and service provider offerings to ensure feasibility.

Step 6: Interpretation

According to the Back of the Envelope estimation, the video streaming platform would require approximately 60 Gbps of total bandwidth to serve 10,000 concurrent users watching HD content. This rough estimate provides a starting point for further analysis, capacity planning, and infrastructure design.

Step 7: Limitations and Considerations

  • The actual bandwidth requirements may vary based on factors such as the video codec efficiency, compression techniques, user behavior, and network conditions.
  • Back of the Envelope estimation provides a rough approximation and may not capture all complexities of the system.
  • Further analysis, testing, and validation are necessary to refine the estimates and ensure the scalability and performance of the streaming platform.

This example demonstrates how Back of the Envelope estimation can be applied to quickly estimate bandwidth requirements for a video streaming service, providing valuable insights for initial planning and decision-making.

Back of the Envelope Estimation in System Design

Back-of-the-envelope estimation is a term used to describe a quick, rough, and simplified calculation method used to estimate the feasibility, magnitude, or outcome of a problem or scenario. This approach is often used in situations where precise data is not available or where a quick estimate is sufficient for decision-making purposes. In this article, we will study about Back of the Envelope Estimation in System Design and its various aspects.

Important Topics for Back of the Envelope Estimation

  • Importance of Estimation in System Design
  • What is Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation?
  • Role of Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation in System Design
  • Benefits of Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation
  • Challenges of Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation
  • Comparison of Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation with other estimation techniques
  • Key Parameters for Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation
  • Techniques for Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation
  • Example of Back of the Envelope(BOE) Estimation
  • Tools for Back of the Envelope Estimation(BOE) Estimation

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