EurekaServerConfiguration microservice

In this microservice, we can develop the microservice and it can be used to establish the communication of the microservices using eureka server using discovery client and server with communicates with each dynamically.

Create the spring project using Spring STS IDE on creating the project adding the below dependencies into the project.


  • Spring Web
  • Spring Netflix Eureka Admin Server
  • Spring boot Actuator
  • Spring Dev Tools
  • Zipkin Server

Once create the project on adding the mention dependencies into the project then the file structure of the project looks like the below image.

File Structure:

Open the file and put the below into it.

eureka.client.service-url.defaultZone =http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka
#Zipkin server configuration

Open the main class and enable the eureka server using @EnableEurekaServer annotation.


package in.mahesh.tasks;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class EurekaServerConfigurationApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Once completed the project run the application as spring boot app once the application successful and it will run the port 8085.Refer the below image for better understanding.

Create a Backend Task Management System using Microservices

Microservices is an architectural pattern, and its approach can be used in software development where the large applications are built as a collection of loosely coupled and independent deployable services. All microservices communicate with each other using a well-defined API, typically using lightweight protocols using HTTP.

Developing the backend task management system using microservices involves breaking down the smaller functionalities into independent services that can communicate with each other using the eureka server and implementing the API Gateway for routing client requests.

In this project, we can develop the 5 individual microservices and communicate with each other.

  • Task User Service
  • Task Creation Service
  • Task Submission Service
  • Eureka Server configuration
  • API Gateway


In this microservice, we can develop the microservice for responsible for managing the user-related operations such as user authentication, authorization and user profile management. In this service we can develop the USER and ADMIN role then admin can be able to create the tasks and approve the tasks of the user.


In this microservice, we can develop the microservice for creating the task and modification of the tasks and assigning the users and one more thing only admin can create the tasks and user unable to create the tasks.


In this microservice, we can develop the microservice can be manages the submission of the tasks by users and handles the related functionalities such as validation and processing.


In this microservice, we can develop the microservice and it can be used to establish the communication of the microservices using eureka server using discovery client and server with communicates with each dynamically.


In this microservice, we can develop the microservice and it can be used to API Gateway and establish the routing the client requests of the system.

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