Eureka Server

If you want to make a Microservice/Application as your Eureka Server then you have to add the following dependency.

For Maven (pom.xml file):

<name>Netflix Candidates</name>

For Gradle (build.gradle file):

repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation ''

Spring Cloud – Netflix Eureka

Service Discovery plays a very important role in microservice-based architecture. Eureka is the Netflix Service Discovery Server and Client. The server can be configured and deployed to be highly functional, with each server copying the state of the registered services to the others. With Netflix Eureka, every client can simultaneously act as a server to replicate its status to a connected peer. In other words, a client retrieves a list of all connected peers in a service registry and makes all further requests to other services through a load-balancing algorithm. To be informed about the presence of a client, they have to send a heartbeat signal to the registry.

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