Entities and Attributes in Databases for LinkedIn

Entities in a LinkedIn database represent various aspects of user profiles, connections, job postings, content, and interactions, while attributes describe their characteristics. Common entities and their attributes include:

User Table

  • UserID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each user.
  • Name, Email: User’s name and email address.
  • PasswordHash: Securely hashed password for user authentication.
  • Employment History: Details of user’s employment history, including company names, positions, and dates.
  • Education: User’s educational background, including degrees, institutions, and fields of study.

Connection Table

  • ConnectionID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each connection.
  • UserID: Identifier for the user initiating the connection.
  • ConnectedUserID: Identifier for the user being connected with.
  • ConnectionType: Type of connection (e.g., colleague, friend, recruiter).

Job Posting Table

  • JobID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each job posting.
  • EmployerID: Identifier for the company posting the job.
  • Title, Description: Title and description of the job opportunity.
  • Location: Location of the job position.
  • Requirements: Skills and qualifications required for the job.

Post Table

  • PostID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each post.
  • UserID: Identifier for the user creating the post.
  • Content: Text content of the post (e.g., article, update).
  • Likes, Comments: Count of likes and comments on the post.

Message Table

  • MessageID (Primary Key): Unique identifier for each message.
  • SenderID, ReceiverID: Identifiers for the sender and receiver of the message.
  • Content: Text content of the message.
  • Timestamp: Date and time when the message was sent.

How to Design a Database For LinkedIn?

LinkedIn is a big networking site that connects millions of people for jobs and professional relationships. To make this work smoothly, LinkedIn uses a smart database system that handles user data, connections, job listings, and shared content efficiently. In this article, we’ll explore how databases are designed for professional networking services like LinkedIn.

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Tips & Best Practices for Enhanced Database Design

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