Empirical Probability Examples

Example 1. You have conducted a taste test of 100 people that reveals 65 people prefer apple and the remaining prefer banana. Find the empirical probability a person prefers apple over the banana?


P(H) = Number of times an event occurred / Total number of trails

P(H) = 65 / 100 = 0.65

The empirical probability of person preferring apple over banana is 0.65

Example 2. A coin is tossed 5 times and all the three times head showed up. What is the empirical probability of showing a tail when the coin is tossed?


P(H) = Number of times an event occurred / Total number of trails

P(H) = 0 / 5 = 0

The empirical probability of getting a tail is 0.

Example 3. A coin is tossed 2 times and all the three times head showed up. What is the empirical probability of showing a head when the coin is tossed?


P(H) = Number of times an event occurred / Total number of trails

P(H) = 2 / 2 = 1

The empirical probability of getting a head is 1

Example 4. In a dinner for which 120 people attended, 80 people preferred mushrooms and others preferred panners. What is the empirical probability of a person to choose mushroom?


P(H) = Number of times an event occurred / Total number of trails

P(H) = 80 / 120 = 2 / 3 = 0.67

The empirical probability of a person to choose mushroom is 0.67

Example 5. A dice is tossed 10 times and the recordings are recorded in the following table.

Outcome 1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequency 3 2 0 1 3 1

Find the probability of getting a number 4 when the dice is thrown?


P(H) = Number of times an event occurred / Total number of trails

P(H) = 1 / 10 = 0.1

The empirical probability of getting a number 4 when dice is tossed is 0.1

Example 6. There are four marbles in a box and they are of distinct colors red, yellow, green, and blue. One ball is picked each time and this is done 40 times. The observations are recorded in the following table.

Outcome Red Yellow green blue
Frequency 15 12 6 7

Find the probability of getting a blue ball when a ball is drawn at random?


P(H) = Number of times an event occurred / Total number of trails

P(H) = 7 / 40 = 0.175

The empirical probability of getting a number blue ball is 0.175

Empirical Probability

Empirical Probability: Probability describes the chance that an uncertain event will occur. Empirical probability is based on how likely an event has occurred in the past. It is also called experimental probability. It is based on the relative frequency approach. We can get our results from experience rather than from a theory.

We employ the empirical probability-generating function in constructing a goodness-of-fit test for negative binomial distributions. In empirical probability, the experimental conditions may not remain the same for all repetitions of that experiment. In statistical terms, the empirical probability is just an estimate of an event.

Table of Content

  • Empirical Probability Meaning
  • Difference Between Empirical Probability and Theoretical Probability
  • Empirical Probability Examples
  • Advantages of Empirical Probability
  • Disadvantages of Empirical Probability
  • Summary – Empirical Probability

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Empirical Probability Examples

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Summary – Empirical Probability

Empirical probability, also known as experimental probability, is all about real-world data and observations. It’s like looking at past experiences to figure out how likely something is to happen again. We use it when we can’t rely on theoretical calculations and need to see what actually happens in practice. For example, if we want to know the chance of flipping a coin and getting heads, we might flip it many times and see how often heads comes up. This gives us a rough idea of the probability based on what we’ve seen happen. Empirical probability is flexible because it can handle situations where outcomes aren’t equally likely, and it doesn’t rely on any fancy theories. But it does have its limitations; we need a lot of data to get accurate results, and sometimes our observations might not match up with what we expect from theoretical probability. Overall, empirical probability is like learning from experience rather than relying on theories, making it a valuable tool in understanding the likelihood of events in the real world....

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