Electroplating Process

The working principle of Electroplating can be better understood by the following example:

  • Let’s take an example of a gold coating.
  • In this instance, a layer of gold is to be electrodeposited on metallic jewelry to enhance its appearance. 
  • The gold plate is connected to the anode (positively charged electrode) of the circuit and the jewelry on which coating is to be done is kept at the cathode (negatively charged electrode).
  • Both are kept immersed in a highly developed electrolytic bath (solution) of gold.
  • At this stage, a power source is connected which creates a potential difference between the two electrodes, and current starts flowing from the anode which oxidizes the gold atoms from the anode and dissolves them into the solution.
  • These dissolved atoms later get reduced and get deposited on the jewelEry connected to the cathode.

Thus by the above process, the jewelry gets a thin layer of gold on it which is chemically bonded and won’t be removed easily. However, continuous exposure of it to the atmosphere will degrade the layer.

Chemical reactions occur when an electric current passes through a conducting solution. This is called the chemical effect of electric current. Following are some of the chemical consequences of electric current:

  • Due to redox reaction, metal gets depleted from one electrode and deposited on other
  • Bubbles can form at the electrode due to the evolution of gas
  • Color of the solution can change due to displacement reaction.

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Factors Affecting Electroplating

These are the factors affecting elctroplating:  

  • Current-Voltage level.
  • Electrolyte bath’s temperature and chemical makeup.
  • Amount of time that has passed.
  • Distance between the cathode and the anode is the distance between the cathode and the anode.

Electroplating | Definition, Principle, Process And Uses

Electroplating refers to the process of coating a metal onto another metal or alloy with the help of an electric current. It is also known as electrochemical deposition or electrodeposition.

Let’s learn the electroplating process in detail, including its working principle, advantages, examples and uses.

Table of Content

  • What is Electroplating?
  • Setup for Electroplating
  • Electroplating Examples
  • Electroplating- Types
  • Electroplating Process- Principle
  • Electroplating Process- Working
  • Factors affecting Electroplating
  • Electroplating- Advantages
  • Electroplating- Applications

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