EIP Status Terms

EIPs go through several status terms during their lifecycle, which indicates their current state of development and implementation. The status terms are:

1. Idea

This is a pre-draft and is not tracked within the EIP repository.

2. Draft

This is the initial status of an EIP when it is first proposed. The EIP is in its early stages and is open for discussion and feedback from the community. At this stage, the EIP may still undergo significant changes based on community feedback.

3. Review

In this status, the author marks an EIP as ready and requests Peer Review.

4. Last Call

This status indicates that the EIP has gone through several rounds of review and revision and is now ready for final comments and feedback from the community. At this stage, the EIP is considered close to final and any remaining feedback is meant to catch any last-minute issues.

5. Final

This status indicates that the EIP has been implemented in the Ethereum network. Once an EIP is in its final status, the changes proposed by the EIP are live on the network and available for use.

6. Stagnant

Any EIP that is in Draft or Review status for a period of 6 months or greater is moved to the Stagnant status. Author or EIP editors can resurrected from this state and move it back to Draft.

7. Withdrawn

This status indicates that the EIP author(s) have withdrawn the proposed EIP. EIP is not currently being considered for implementation but may be revisited in the future. There could be many reasons for deferring an EIP, such as technical issues or lack of community interest. EIPs that are deferred may be revisited in the future if circumstances change.

8. Living

This is the special status for EIPs that is designed to be continually updated and not reach a state of finality. 

What are Ethereum EIPs?

EIPs are formal proposals to improve the Ethereum blockchain. EIPs are similar to Bitcoin Improvement Proposals (BIPs) and are a way for the Ethereum community to suggest, discuss, and implement changes to the Ethereum network.

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