Eighth Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Wingsuit Flying

Wingsuit flying is a super daring sport where people wear special suits with wings to glide through the air. It feels like flying, but it’s really risky because even a small mistake can be deadly.

  • The first person to try a wingsuit was an American named Francis Rogallo in 1962.
  • In 2015, Valery Rozov jumped from higher than anyone else in a wingsuit – 25,000 feet!
  • The longest wingsuit flight ever was by Jhonathan Florez in 2012. He flew a crazy 17.83 miles!
  • There are different kinds of wingsuits, like the classic one, the batwing, and the squirrel suit.
  • When you’re flying in a wingsuit, it feels like you’re weightless and flying like a bird.

Most Dangerous Sports in the World – List of Top 10

Most Dangerous Sports in the World: The ten most dangerous sports in the world include activities like base jumping, big wave surfing, bull riding, cave diving, highlining, motorcycle racing, street luge, wingsuit flying, bull running, and high-altitude climbing.

Sports have always been a source of thrill and excitement for people around the world. From football to basketball to cricket, there are numerous sports that people engage in for the love of competition and physical activity. However, there are some sports that take danger to a whole new level. These sports push athletes to their limits and require immense skill, bravery, and physical strength. In this article, we will take a closer look at the top 10 most dangerous sports in the world.

Table Content

  • List of top 10 Most Dangerous Sports in the World
  • Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Bull Riding
  • Second Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Big Wave Surfing
  • Third Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Base Jumping
  • Fourth Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Cave Diving
  • Fifth Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Heli- Skiing
  • Sixth Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Street Luge
  • Seventh Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Motorcycle Racing
  • Eighth Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Wingsuit Flying
  • Ninth Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Bull Running
  • Tenth Most Dangerous Sports in the World – Highlining

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