EfficientNet-B0 Architecture Overview

The EfficientNet-B0 network consists of:

  1. Stem
    • Initial layer with a standard convolution followed by a batch normalization and a ReLU6 activation.
    • Convolution with 32 filters, kernel size 3×3, stride 2.
  2. Body
    • Consists of a series of MBConv blocks with different configurations.
    • Each block includes depthwise separable convolutions and squeeze-and-excitation layers.
    • Example configuration for MBConv block:
      • Expansion ratio: The factor by which the input channels are expanded.
      • Kernel size: Size of the convolutional filter.
      • Stride: The stride length for convolution.
      • SE ratio: Ratio for squeeze-and-excitation.
  3. Head
    • Includes a final convolutional block, followed by a global average pooling layer.
    • A fully connected layer with a softmax activation function for classification.

Efficientnet Architecture

In the field of deep learning, the quest for more efficient neural network architectures has been ongoing. EfficientNet has emerged as a beacon of innovation, offering a holistic solution that balances model complexity with computational efficiency. This article embarks on a detailed journey through the intricate layers of EfficientNet, illuminating its architecture, design philosophy, training methodologies, performance benchmarks, and more.

Table of Content

  • Efficientnet
  • EfficientNet-B0 Architecture Overview
  • EfficientNet-B0 Detailed Architecture
    • Depth-wise Separable Convolution
    • Inverted Residual Blocks
    • Efficient Scaling:
    • Efficient Attention Mechanism:
  • Variants of EfficientNet Model:
  • Performance Evaluation and Comparison
  • Conclusion
  • FAQs

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