Efficient appraoch

  • In this approach, We must efficiently determine the count of distinct pairs of characters in linear time.
  • Notably, pairs like (x, y) and (y, x) are treated as distinct.
  • To accomplish this, we employ a hash table to record the occurrences of each character. If a character appears twice, it corresponds to 4 pairs: (i, i), (j, j), (i, j), and (j, i).
  • By utilizing a hashing mechanism, we keep track of the frequency of each character, and for each character, the count of pairs will be the square of its frequency.
  • The hash table will have a length of 256 since there are 256 distinct characters.

Example: This example shows the use of the above-explined approach.

// JavaScript program to calculate the
// count of pairs
const MAX = 256

// Function to calculate the count
// of identical pairs
function fun(str) {

    // Hash table to store
    //  character counts
    let charCount = new Array(MAX).fill(0)

    // Iterate through the string and tally
    // the occurrences of each character
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++)
        charCount[str.charCodeAt(i) - 97] += 1

    // Variable to hold the final count of pairs
    let pairCount = 0

    // Iterate through the characters and check
    // for occurrences
    for (let i = 0; i < MAX; i++)
        pairCount += charCount[i] * charCount[i]

    return pairCount

// Driver code

let str = "pqr"


Time Complexity: O(n), n is the length of input string

Space Complexity: O(1)

JavaScript Program Count number of Equal Pairs in a String

In this article, we are going to learn how can we count a number of equal pairs in a string. Counting equal pairs in a string involves finding and counting pairs of consecutive characters that are the same. This task can be useful in various applications, including pattern recognition and data analysis.


Input: 'pqr'
Output: 3
3 pairs that are equal are (p, p), (q, q) and (r, r)
Input: 'HelloWorld'
Output: 18

Table of Content

  • Naive Approach
  • Efficient appraoch
  • Using a Map to Count Characters

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In this approach, We must efficiently determine the count of distinct pairs of characters in linear time. Notably, pairs like (x, y) and (y, x) are treated as distinct. To accomplish this, we employ a hash table to record the occurrences of each character. If a character appears twice, it corresponds to 4 pairs: (i, i), (j, j), (i, j), and (j, i). By utilizing a hashing mechanism, we keep track of the frequency of each character, and for each character, the count of pairs will be the square of its frequency. The hash table will have a length of 256 since there are 256 distinct characters....

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