Edit a Relationships

Table relationships in Power BI can be edited using different methods:

Diagram View

  • Open the “Diagram View.”
  • Drag and drop fields between related tables to establish or edit relationships.
  • Adjust cardinality and cross-filter direction as needed.

Diagram View

Manage Relationships

  • Go to the Home tab and select “Manage Relationships”.
  • Select the existing relationship to edit or add a new one.
  • Specify tables, related fields, and cardinality.

Manage Relationship

Data View

  • Navigate to “Data View.”
  • Click on the relationship icon next to the field to edit relationships.
  • Modify related fields and cardinality as required.

Data View in Power Bi

Configure More Options

Once your tables are interconnected with each other it is very important to edit relationships in power bi. Editing a relationship in power bi adjusting the properties of an existing relationship or modifying the relationships type. Here, we’ll examine two aspects.

  • Cardinality
  • Cross-filter Direction


In power bi, cardinality plays an important role in defining the nature of relationships between tables within a data model. It specifies how the rows in the first table connected to the rows in the second table. There are four cardinality types: One-to-One Relationships, One-to-Many Relationships, Many-to-One Relationships and Many-to-Many Relationships.


Each row in the firstable is related to exactly one row in the second table.


Each row in the first table is related to multiple rows in the second table.


Many rows in the first table is related to one row in the second table.


Each row in the first table can be related to many rows in the second table. It requires an intermediate table.

When creating and editing relationships in power bi, choosing an appropriate cardinality is very important for data analysis and reporting. By understanding and setting cardinality correctly, users can navigate seamlessly across related tables.

Cross-filter direction

In power bi, every power bi model relationship is called cross-filter direction. Cross-filter directions dependent on cardinality type like Single and Both cross-filter direction type will be applied as One-to-Many or many-to-One cardinality type, Both cross-filter type will applied as One-to-One cardinality type and Single (Table1 to Table2), Single (Table2 to Table1), Both cross-filter type will applied as Many-to-Many cardinality type.

Creating Table Relationships & Data Models in Power BI

Power BI is the most valuable tool for business/data analytics and has the power to visualize and analyze the data easily and also make informed decisions. In this article, we will cover what is data model in Power BI, relationships in Power BI, how to create relationships in Power BI using the autodetect method and manual method, and editing relationships between tables: cardinality and cross-filter direction.

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