Economic and Non-Economic Activities

An activity that is done for the purpose of selling either a good or service is called economic activity.  For example, any kind of profession, business, or employment can be defined as an economic activity. People join these activities to earn money.

Non-economic activities include everything that a person does apart from economic activities. Any time you spend dealing with family or friends in any way can be classified as a non-economic activity. Religious activities such as worship are also included in this category. Activities that are not done to earn money are referred to as non-economic activities. 

Economic activities are generally classified as

  • Primary Sector (Agriculture Sector): The primary sector of the economy extracts or harvests products from the earth. Activities associated with the primary sector include agriculture mining, forestry, farming, grazing, hunting and gathering, fishing, quarrying, etc.
  • Secondary Sector (Manufacturing Sector): Secondary Sector is the manufacturing & construction sectors of the economy. It turns raw materials into finished products. This sector manufactures goods for customers. Activities associated with the secondary sector include metal working, automobile production, textile production, chemical and engineering industries, energy utilities, engineering, breweries and bottlers, construction, shipbuilding, etc. 
  • Tertiary Sector (Service Sector): All service providers fall under the tertiary sector. Activities associated with this sector include retail and wholesale, transportation and distribution, entertainment restaurants, clerical services, media, tourism, insurance, banking, healthcare, law,  insurance, etc.

Market and Non-Market Activities

Economic activities can also be classified according to production goals means why we are producing something. They can therefore be divided into the market and non-market activities. 

When a producer produces something to sell in the market, it is called market activities. A farmer producing grains or a producer producing certain goods for selling in the market for money are examples of market activities. Non-market activities are those products or services that are not produced for sale in the market but are for our own consumption. Cooking food for ourselves is an example of non-market products that are produced only for self-consumption and not for sale.

Economic Activities by Men and Women

By people as a resource, we mean people who form part of the workforce and play a significant role in economic growth by contributing to the productive resources of the country. So, along with various other resources, a country also needs people who can make good use of these resources and increase production. Investments in human resources are made through training and educating them and taking their health care, making humans more productive and therefore more beneficial to a country’s economy.

Economic Activities by Men and Women

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