Dynamic Sitemap (Recommended)

  • Dynamic sitemaps are ideal for larger websites with dynamic content. You write code to generate the sitemap automatically based on your application data.

Steps to create Dynamic sitemap

  • Install the next-sitemap package
npm install next-sitemap
  • Create a file named sitemap.xml.js or sitemap.xml.ts (depending on your preference) in the app directory
  • Import and use the sitemap function from next-sitemap

Example: This example shows the Dynamic sitemap.

import { Sitemap } from 'next-sitemap';

export default async function handler() {
  try {
    // Replace with logic to fetch or 
    // generate your website URLs dynamically
    const urls = [];
    const fs = require('fs');
    // Replace with your directory path
    const pagesDirectory = './pages'; 

    if (fs.existsSync(pagesDirectory)) {
      const files = fs.readdirSync(pagesDirectory);
      for (const file of files) {
        if (file !== 'sitemap.xml.js' && !file.startsWith('_'))
          { // Exclude this file and hidden files
           // Extract slug from filename
          const slug = file.replace(/\.jsx?$/, '');
            loc: `https://your-website.com/${slug}`,

    return Sitemap(urls).toXML();
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error generating sitemap:', error);
    // Handle errors gracefully (e.g., return an empty sitemap or log the error)
    // Return an empty sitemap to avoid server crashes
    return Sitemap([]).toXML(); 



How to Create a Sitemap in Next.js 13?

The Sitemap is an XML file that notifies search engines like Google about the structure and content of the website. This would helps search engines to discover and index the pages efficiently which improve the website SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

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Static Sitemap

Static sitemaps are Suitable for small websites with relatively static content. You manually list all URLs in an XML file....

Dynamic Sitemap (Recommended)

Dynamic sitemaps are ideal for larger websites with dynamic content. You write code to generate the sitemap automatically based on your application data....

The benefits of using Sitemap

Improved Indexing:  A sitemap acts like a roadmap for search engines like Google,  letting them know about all the pages on your website.SEO Efficiency:  Sitemaps provide search engines with valuable information beyond just URLs. You can specify priority levels for different pages and update frequencies, giving search engines a better understanding of the importance of various sections of your site.Faster Discovery of New Content: With a dynamic sitemap, whenever you add new pages to your Next.js website, the sitemap automatically updates to reflect the changes....


For websites with relatively static content (few changes), a static sitemap is a simple, manual solution. You create an XML file with the URLs of your main pages and update it whenever necessary and for larger websites with dynamic content or frequent updates, a dynamic sitemap (using next-sitemap) is more efficient. This will automatically generates the sitemap for the website, ensuring it’s always up-to-date with your content....

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