DSA Questions



Combinational Sum Try it
Majority Element Try it
Print all leaf nodes of a Binary Tree from left to right Try it
Stock Span Try it
Find the k most frequent words from a file Try it
Group Anagrams Try it
Count All Palindromic Subsequences in a given String Try it
Length of the longest substring without repeating characters Try it
Count Odd and Even numbers in a range from L to R Try it 
Count of substrings of length K with exactly K distinct characters Try it
of two Sorted Arrays of Different Sizes Try it
Check if pair with the given Sum exists in Array (Two Sum) Try it 
Check if a number is Palindrome Try it
Design and Implement a Special Stack Data Structure Try it 
Count all possible N-length vowel permutations that can be generated based on the given conditions Try it 
Replace O’s with X’s Try it
Place rotate square matrix by 90 degrees  Try it
Rotate the matrix right by K times Try it 
Longest Consecutive Subsequence Try it
Get the minimum element from the stack Try it 
Check if Linked List is Palindrome Try it 
Level Order Traversal Try it 
Union and Intersection of two sorted arrays Try it 
Top View of Binary Tree Try it 
Check if a given Binary Tree is a Sum Tree Try it 
 Trapping Rain Water  Try it
Maximum Rectangular Area in a Histogram Try it
Alien Dictionary Try it 
N-Queen Problem Try it 
Circle of strings Try it 
Articulation Point  Try it 
Largest Sum Cycle Try it 
Word Ladder Try it 
Palindrome Pairs Try it
Burst Balloons Try it 
Split Array Largest Sum Try it 
Find the maximum subset XOR of a given set Try it
Number of subsets with products less than k Try it 
Subtraction in Linked List Try it 
Reverse a sublist of a linked list Try it 
Wildcard string matching Try it 
Critical Connections Try it 
Implementing Dijkstra Algorithm Try it 
Minimum number of jumps Try it
Detect cycle in a directed graph Try it 
Row with max 1s Try it 
Find the number of islands Try it 
Binary Tree to DLL Try it 
Flood fill Algorithm Try it 

Core Subjects 

P.S: To check the Atlassian Experiences and other asked question go through the attached link

Atlassian Interview Questions for Technical Profiles

Atlassian is an Australian software company that develops products for software developers, project managers, and creative professionals. The company is best known for its flagship products, Jira and Confluence, which are used by millions of teams around the world. Starting the journey to land a technical position at the well-known software development and collaboration tools company Atlassian demands preparing thoroughly for the interview process. This detailed guide covers the most popular Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) and design questions that are most relevant for technical interviews at Atlassian. We’ll also provide you with questions related to core subjects so that you can demonstrate your exceptional problem-solving skills and make an impression on the interviewers.

To know more about Atlassian Recruitment Process please go through this attached link

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