Division Operator (/)

The division operator (/) in SQL Server is used to perform arithmetic division on numeric values. It divides one number by another and returns the result as a numeric value.


SELECT number1 / number2 AS result;


SELECT 10 / 2 AS Result;



In this example, the division operator calculates the quotient of dividing 10 by 2, resulting in 5.

Arithmetic Operators in SQL Server

Arithmetic operators play a crucial role in performing mathematical calculations within SQL Server. These operators allow you to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and more on numeric data stored in your database tables. In this article, we’ll explore the various arithmetic operators available in SQL Server, discuss their usage with examples, and provide outputs to illustrate their functionality, all explained in an easy-to-understand manner for beginners.

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Arithmetic Operators in SQL Server

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Common Arithmetic Operators in SQL Server

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Addition Operator (+)

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Subtraction Operator (-)

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Multiplication Operator (*)

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Division Operator (/)

The division operator (/) in SQL Server is used to perform arithmetic division on numeric values. It divides one number by another and returns the result as a numeric value....

Modulus Operator (%)

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Order of Precedence

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Combining Arithmetic Operators

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Handling NULL Values

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Arithmetic operators are fundamental in SQL Server for performing mathematical calculations on numeric data. By understanding and utilizing these operators, you can manipulate data effectively within your database queries. In this article, we discussed addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operators, along with their usage examples and outputs....

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