Discount Rate

Discount rate is the rate of the article that is calculated after the discount. Suppose a retailer gives a 10% discount on an object then the price of the object after the discount is the selling price and the discount rate is the deduction offered by the retailer.

Discount Rate Formula

The discount rate is calculated using the formula as,

  • Discount Rate = MP – SP

In percentage discount rate is calculated as,

  • Discount(%) = (MP – SP)/MP × 100
  • Discount (%) = Discount/MP × 100

Discount Formula

Discount in Mathematics is defined as the reduction in price of any service and product. Discount is offered by the business owner to easily and quickly sell their product or services. Giving discounts increases the sales of the business and helps the business retain its customer.

Discount is always calculated on the marked price of the object. In the sale of an object Cost Price, Selling Price, Profit, Loss, and discount are calculated. We have to study the Discount Formula in Class 8.

Here in this article, we will learn about the discount definition, types of discounts, discount formula, discount rate, and its solved examples and others in detail.

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