Directed/Bayesian Graphical Models

In this, Directed Networks are based or depend upon the directed graphs. Therefore, they are known as Directed R graphical models. Directed graph or digraph is represented by 

D = (V, A)


  • V: V set whose elements are called nodes or vertices
  • A: It is a set of ordered pair of vertices called arcs or arrows or directed edges

Terminologies of Directed graph: 

These are the few terms belong to the directed graph

  • Parent and child note
  • D- connected nodes
  • Connected nodes
  • Polytree
  • Tree

Decomposition and Directed Graphs

A directed graph is a probability distribution of attributes over a set U and it can also be called as factorizable wrt to a directed acyclic graph and its representation is given as G = (U, E) and it can be written as a product of conditional probabilities of the attributes given their parent in G. The below figure represents a factorization or decomposition into four terms for a directed graph. 

Graphical Models in R Programming

In this article, we are going to learn about graphical models in detail in the R programming language. In this, we are going to discuss the graphical model or probabilistic graphical models are statistical models that encode multivariate probabilistic distributions in the form of a graph, its real-life applications, and types, and decomposition with undirected and directed graphs, and separation in graphs.

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