Dino Game in C

Below is the implementation of Dino Game in C:


// C Program for Dino Game
#include <conio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <windows.h>
// Function to set the console cursor position
void moveTo(int x, int y)
    COORD coord;
    coord.X = x;
    coord.Y = y;
        GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), coord);
// Function to pause execution for a given number of
// milliseconds
void pause(unsigned int milliseconds)
    clock_t goal = milliseconds + clock();
    while (goal > clock())
// Function to display game information on the console
void displayGameInfo()
    moveTo(10, 2);
    printf("Press X to Exit, Press Space to Jump");
    moveTo(62, 2);
    printf("SCORE : ");
    moveTo(1, 25);
    for (int x = 0; x < 79; x++)
// Global variables for jump height and game speed
int jumpHeight, gameSpeed = 40;
// Function to display the character on the console
void displayCharacter(int jumpType = 0)
    static int animationState = 1;
    // Update the jump height based on the jump type
    if (jumpType == 0)
        jumpHeight = 0;
    else if (jumpType == 2)
    // Display the character at the specified position
    moveTo(2, 15 - jumpHeight);
    printf("                ");
    moveTo(2, 16 - jumpHeight);
    printf("     мллл      ");
    moveTo(2, 17 - jumpHeight);
    printf("    ллллллл     ");
    moveTo(2, 18 - jumpHeight);
    printf("   ллллллллл    ");
    moveTo(2, 19 - jumpHeight);
    printf("  лллллплллл   ");
    moveTo(2, 20 - jumpHeight);
    printf(" млллллппллллм  ");
    moveTo(2, 21 - jumpHeight);
    printf(" ллллллпплллллл ");
    moveTo(2, 22 - jumpHeight);
    printf(" пллллллппллллп ");
    moveTo(2, 23 - jumpHeight);
    if (jumpType == 1 || jumpType == 2) {
        printf("   ллп плпппл   ");
        moveTo(2, 24 - jumpHeight);
        printf("   лм   лм      ");
    else if (animationState == 1) {
        printf("  пллп  ппп     ");
        moveTo(2, 24 - jumpHeight);
        printf("     лм         ");
        animationState = 2;
    else if (animationState == 2) {
        printf("   плм пл       ");
        moveTo(2, 24 - jumpHeight);
        printf("         лм     ");
        animationState = 1;
    moveTo(2, 25 - jumpHeight);
    if (jumpType != 0) {
        printf("                ");
    else {
// Function to display the obstacle on the console
void displayObstacle()
    static int obstaclePosition = 0, score = 0;
    // Check for collision with the obstacle
    if (obstaclePosition == 56 && jumpHeight < 4) {
        score = 0;
        gameSpeed = 40;
        moveTo(36, 8);
        printf("Game Over");
        moveTo(36, 8);
        printf("         ");
    // Display the obstacle at the specified position
    moveTo(74 - obstaclePosition, 20);
    printf("л    л ");
    // ... (rest of the obstacle display)
    // Update obstacle position and score
    if (obstaclePosition == 73) {
        obstaclePosition = 0;
        moveTo(70, 2);
        printf("     ");
        moveTo(70, 2);
        printf("%d", score);
        if (gameSpeed > 20)
// Main function
int main()
    // Set console mode and initialize variables
    system("mode con: lines=29 cols=82");
    char input;
    int i;
    // Game loop
    while (true) {
        // Continuous display of character and obstacle
        // until a key is pressed
        while (!kbhit()) {
        // Handle user input
        input = getch();
        if (input == ' ') {
            // Jump animation when the space key is pressed
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        else if (input == 'x') {
            // Exit the game if the 'X' key is pressed
            return (0);
    return 0;

Output Screen:

Dino Game in C

The Dino game is a simple hurdle-based game. In this game a dinosaur has to jump hurdles, if the dinosaur successfully jumps a hurdle, the score point is incremented by one. And if the dinosaur hits the hurdle then the Game is Over.

Approach for Game

  • The dinosaur is represented by ASCII art and moves up and down to simulate jumping.
  • Obstacles move from right to left, and the dinosaur must jump over them.
  • The game speed increases over time, making it challenging.
  • If the dinosaur hits an obstacle, the game displays a “Game Over” message and waits for a key press.

Libraries Used

  1. <stdio.h>: Standard Input/Output functions like printf.
  2. <conio.h>: Console Input/Output functions, mainly used for getch() and kbhit().
  3. <time.h>: Provides functions to work with time, used for the delay function.
  4. <windows.h>: Provides functions for interacting with Windows OS, used for console manipulation.


  1. moveTo(int x, int y): Moves the console cursor to the specified coordinates (x, y).
  2. pause(unsigned int milliseconds) It introduces a delay in the program execution. The delay is implemented using the clock() function.
  3. displayGameInfo(): It sets up the initial game screen by clearing the console, displays the controls, and initializes the display of the score.
  4. displayCharacter(int jumpType): It displays the dinosaur at a specific height, simulating a jump.
  5. displayObstacle(): It draws and moves the obstacles on the screen. If the dinosaur collides with any obstacle, the game over message is shown and the game is finished at this point.

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Dino Game in C

Below is the implementation of Dino Game in C:...

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