Different Types of Energy

There are various types of energy depending on the way of force exerted. In physics, there are mainly 2 types of energy which are the following:

  1. Kinetic Energy
  2. Potential Energy

Types of Energy

Types of Energy, Law of Conservation and Examples

Energy is the ability to do work. In Scientific term, Energy is defined as the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or physical system. Energy is divided into mainly two types: 1. Kinetic Energy and 2. Potential Energy. They are later divided into many types based on forms of energy such as light energy, gravitational energy, electrical energy, nuclear and many more.

Energy is defined as the ability of substances to do work. We often use the word “Energy” in our daily life. It exists in different forms. In this article, let us understand in detail about types of energy, the law of conservation of energy and various types of energy.

In this article, We have discussed the definition of Energy, its types, the law of Conservation of Energy, and many more.

Table of Content

  • Definition of Energy
  • What is Energy?
  • Different Types of Energy
  • Kinetic Energy
  • Different Types of Kinetic Energy
  • Radiant Energy
  • Thermal Energy
  • Sound Energy
  • Electrical Energy
  • Mechanical Energy
  • Potential Energy
  • Different Types of Potential Energy
  • Gravitational Potential Energy
  • Elastic Potential Energy
  • Chemical Potential Energy
  • Electric Potential Energy
  • Units of Energy
  • Law of Conservation in Science
  • Law of Conservation of Energy
  • Energy Transfer
  • Energy Transformation

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Definition of Energy

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What is Energy?

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Different Types of Energy

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Kinetic Energy

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Different Types of Kinetic Energy

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Radiant Energy

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Thermal Energy

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Sound Energy

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Electrical Energy

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Mechanical Energy

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Potential Energy

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Different Types of Potential Energy

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Gravitational Potential Energy

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Elastic Potential Energy

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Units of Energy

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Law of Conservation in Science

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Law of Conservation of Energy

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Energy Transfer

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Energy Transformation

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