Differences between Redis Pub/Sub and Redis Streams


Redis Pub/Sub

Redis Streams

Data strcuture

It ha publish/subscribe mechanism

It append only logs

Message persistence

Their is no message persistence by default

The message are persisted in a stream

Message histroy

No message history is maintained

Message history is stored in stream

Message filtering

Allamessages are recieved by subscribers

Subscibers can filter by patterm or consumer groups

Message delivery

At least once delivery semantics

Exactly once delivery semantics

Consumers groups

Not supported

Supported for multiple consumers


Limited scalability

Scales better for large number of consumers

Message Retention

Their is no built-in message retention

Their is Configurable message retention

Use cases

Real time notification

Event sourcing

Difference between Redis Pub/sub vs Redis streams

Redis Pub/Sub (Publish/Subscribe) and Redis Streams are both features of the Redis database that enable real-time messaging and event-driven communication, but they have distinct use cases and characteristics.

Important Topics for Redis Pub/Sub vs. Redis Streams

  • Redis Pub/Sub (Publish/Subscribe)
  • When to Use Redis Pub/Sub
  • Redis Streams
  • When to Use Redis Streams
  • Which One to Use When
  • Differences between Redis Pub/Sub and Redis Streams

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