Differences between a Class and an Interface

The following table lists all the major differences between an interface and a class in Java language:



The keyword used to create a class is “class” The keyword used to create an interface is “interface”
A class can be instantiated i.e., objects of a class can be created. An Interface cannot be instantiated i.e. objects cannot be created.
Classes do not support multiple inheritance. The interface supports multiple inheritance.
It can be inherited from another class. It cannot inherit a class.
It can be inherited by another class using the keyword ‘extends’. It can be inherited by a class by using the keyword ‘implements’ and it can be inherited by an interface using the keyword ‘extends’.
It can contain constructors. It cannot contain constructors.
It cannot contain abstract methods. It contains abstract methods only.
Variables and methods in a class can be declared using any access specifier(public, private, default, protected). All variables and methods in an interface are declared as public.
Variables in a class can be static, final, or neither. All variables are static and final.

Differences between Interface and Class in Java

This article highlights the differences between a class and an interface in Java. They seem syntactically similar, both containing methods and variables, but they are different in many aspects.

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