Difference between Xylem and Phloem

The differences Between Xylem and Phloem are as follows:




Transport Material It simply transports water and minerals from the roots to all other parts of the plant.  It transports the substances produced by photosynthesis, like amino acids and sugars. 
Type of transportation Passive transportation of water and mineral. Active transport of sugar and other minerals.
Direction of flow Xylem tissues are unidirectional, from root to shoot. Phloem tissues are bidirectional, that is they move both upwards as well as downwards. 
Types of Cell The cells present in Xylem are dead cells at maturity. The cells present in Phloem are living cells, mainly sieve tube cells.
Formed of Fibre, tracheids and xylem vessels. Phloem fibres, sieve tube ,sieve cell, parenchymal cell and companion cells.
Protoplast It contains protoplast because it is connected to plant cell walls as well.  Since it has nothing to do with the plant cell walls, it does not have protoplasts. 

Cell wall

Cell wall is thick and is made up of lignin.

Cell wall is thin and is made up of cellulose.

Function The main responsibility of the xylem is to take care of water movement and provide structural support to the plant.  The main responsibility of phloem is to take care of food transportation and distribution. 
Location They are located in the centre of the stem.  They are located on the outer side of the plant stem. 
Cell Size Xylem fibres are small, and the amount of total tissue is more. Phloem fibres are large, and the amount of total tissue is less. 




Found in They are mostly present in the roots and stems along with leaves.  They are mostly present in stems and leaves and not as much in roots.

Difference Between Xylem And Phloem

Xylem and phloem are complementary vascular tissues in plants, with xylem primarily involved in water transport and structural support, while phloem specializes in transporting nutrients, especially sugars, to various parts of the plant. These two systems work together to ensure the overall health and growth of the plant.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between Xylem and Phloem
  • What is Xylem?
  • What is Phloem?

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