Difference between Waterfall Testing and V-Model Testing


Waterfall Testing

V-Model Testing


Waterfall Software Testing is a type of software testing in which the different testing levels are performed one after the other.

V-Model Testing is a development model where testing activities are planned in parallel with corresponding development phase.

Development and Testing Phase

In Waterfall Testing, testing phase comes after the development phase is completed.

In V-Model Testing, Development and Testing phases are run in parallel.

Risk Management

In Waterfall Testing, Risk are identified late in the process.

In V-Model Testing, Risk are identified early in the process due to continuous testing.

Error Detection

In Waterfall Testing, Errors are detected at an late stage.

In V-Model Testing, Errors are detected at an early stage.


In Waterfall Testing, Feedback is available after the testing phase.

In V-Model Testing, Continuous feedback is available throughout the development and testing process.

Project Size

Waterfall Testing is best suited for larger project.

V-Model Testing is best suited for smaller to medium-sized project.

Development Timeframe

Development Timeframe in waterfall testing is longer.

Development Timeframe in V-Model testing is sorter due to parallel testing and development activities.

Cost of Change

In Waterfall Testing, cost of change is higher because issues are identified later.

In V-Model Testing, cost of change is lower because issues are identified early.

User Involvement

User interaction is usually at the start (requirements phase) and finish (testing phase).

Validation and verification efforts involve users early on and regularly.


Waterfall Testing is less Reliable

V-Model Testing is more reliable compare to waterfall testing.

Testers Involvement

In Waterfall Testing, testers may or may not be involve in the requirements.

In V-Model Testing, testers are involved in the requirements.

Difference between Waterfall Testing and V-Model Testing

Waterfall Testing is sequential, with testing occurring only after development is complete, leading to late error detection and higher costs for changes. In contrast, V-Model Testing runs development and testing phases in parallel, allowing early error detection and continuous feedback, making it more reliable and efficient for managing risks and changes.

V-Model Testing vs Waterfall Testing

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Difference between Waterfall Testing and V-Model Testing


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