Difference between V-model and Waterfall model

Besides that V-model is the alternative to the waterfall model. There is some difference between these two models which are given below.


Waterfall model



The cost of Waterfall model is low.

V-model is expensive.


Simplicity of Waterfall model is simple.

Simplicity of V-model is Intermediate.


Flexibility of Waterfall model is Rigid.

Flexibility of V-model is Little flexible.


There is no way to return to the earlier phase. There is no such constraint in V-model.

Execution Process

Waterfall model is a sequential execution process. It is also a sequential execution process.

Linear Movement of Steps

Waterfall model’s steps move in a linear way. V-model’s steps don’t move in linear way.


Re-usability of Waterfall model is Limited. V-model can be Re-use for some extent.

User Involvement

User involvement in Waterfall model is only in beginning. User involvement in V-model is also only in beginning.

Testing Activities Start

In Waterfall model testing activities start after the development activities are over. In V-model testing activities start with the first stage.

Success Guarantee

Guarantee of success through Waterfall model is low. Guarantee of success through V-model is high.


Waterfall model is a continuous process. V-model is a simultaneous process.


Software made using Waterfall model, the number of defects are less in comparison of software made using V-model. Software made using V-model, the number of defects are greater in comparison of software made using Waterfall model.

Requirement Specification

Requirement specification in Waterfall model is necessary in beginning. Requirement specification in V-model is also necessary in beginning.

Customer Involvement

Less customer involvement. More customer involvement as compared to waterfall model.

Testing during Development

It is not possible to test a software during its development. There is possibility to test a software during its development.

Identification of Defects

Identification of defects is done in the testing phase. Identification of defects can be done from the beginning.


Debugging is done after the last phase. Debugging can be done in between phases.


Waterfall model is less used now-a-days in software engineering. V-model is widely used in software engineering.

Difference between V-model and Waterfall model

In the software business, the Waterfall model and the V-Model are both highly popular development approaches. Both of these paradigms provide systematic assistance for the creation of apps. The primary distinction between the V-Model and the Waterfall Model is that the V-Model identifies flaws during the testing phase, whereas the Waterfall Model identifies flaws at the outset.

Let’s Learn more about the V-Model and the Waterfall Model in this post, as well as how they differ from one another.

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