Difference Between SharedPreferences and Hive


Shared Preferences

Store Maximum data in it

Limited to store smaller data

Store Data in any type of datatypes

Limited to some datatypes

Useful for Storing larger data

Useful for storing small data

Both works well.Its upto your requirement to choose which one is best suitable for you. For Shared Preferences you can refer this amazing article Flutter – SharedPreferences

Flutter – Store Data in Hive Local Database

Hive is a data storage in our phone where we can store data in boxes. We can store an integer, string, list of strings, Boolean, double, models, list of integers, etc. in Hive. Now let us discuss where we can implement these. The first we can use this is to save the user information user is logged in or not, and any id or user details so that users don’t have to log in again whenever a user open that app. You can store bigger data also but it will store for a particular device only. Hive is a NoSQL server where you can store a maximum number of data in any form.

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