Difference Between Rust and Dart

1. Syntax

Rust and Dart have different ways of writing code because they’re made for different things. Rust, for computer systems, uses a syntax that focuses on memory safety. Dart, for web development, uses a simpler syntax similar to the C language. These syntax differences show their strengths in system-level programming and web development. Let’s understand the basic syntactical differences by writing a simple code.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    cout<<"Welcome to GFG!";
    return 0;


void main() {
  print('Welcome to GFG!');

Similarly, to print the same code in Rust:

fn main() {
println!("Welcome to GFG!");

Output: Welcome to GFG!

2. Applications

Rust: It distinguishes itself with its focus on memory efficiency, eliminating the burdens of runtime and garbage collection. Widely recognized as a successor to C++, Rust has gained prominence in the production industry due to its robust features. One of its notable strengths lies in its seamless integration capabilities, allowing it to adapt to various programming languages and enhance overall versatility.

Dart: It has carved its niche as a language purposefully crafted for web development. Designed with a web-based focus, Dart comes equipped with splendid libraries that appeal to developers. Its popularity has seen a surge, especially with the rise of Flutter. The introduction of new features in Dart has not only attracted more Flutter users but has also contributed to the expansion of its overall user base.Dart is being used more, especially for making websites and mobile apps with Flutter. This makes it a competitor for C++. Dart working well with Flutter adds an extra interesting part to how programming languages are changing.

3. Speed

C++ is a faster language compared to interpreted languages like Python and Java. This is one reason that has made it wide famous in competitive programming, where TLE(Time Limit Extended) is one common error found. Compiler technology has enabled this characteristic to the language. But still ineptly written code can run slow. Rust too is terribly fast, secure, and reasonable language stuffed with simple programming syntax. Whereas Dart is a flexible language that is easily shipped from one platform to another. It involves both compiler and interpreter technology and is speedier but not up to the rank of C++ and Rust.

4. Popularity

Cross-platform application development using Flutter has been growing considerably and has increased the number of Dart users. Also, it’s alterability and adaptability have accelerated its usage in the browser and server-side programming too. Rust can power performance-related services, can be integrated with other languages, and also uses void garbage collection. Thus it does not permit null pointers, dangling pointers, or data races in safe code. Having a syntax similar to C++, it was easy to learn and get adapted to the language. The availability of surplus libraries cheat codes and functions has not replaced the position of the C++ language from the hearts of programmers.

Below is a tabular difference between Rust vs Dart

Feature Rust Dart
Memory Management Uses a unique ownership system, allowing for deterministic memory management without a garbage collector. Utilizes garbage collection for automatic memory management.
Concurrency Model Rely on ownership and borrowing for thread safety, eliminating the need for locks or garbage collection. Employs an asynchronous programming model with async and await keywords for handling asynchronous operations.
Type System Strong static type system, ensuring type safety at compile time. Detects potential type-related bugs before runtime. Dynamically typed language, allowing variable types to be changed at runtime.
Target Use Cases Designed for systems programming, emphasizing performance, reliability, and safety. Commonly used for low-level systems software like operating systems and embedded applications. Primarily used for developing cross-platform mobile and web applications, especially with UI frameworks like Flutter.

Learning Curve

Dart has a relatively low learning curve, especially for developers familiar with object-oriented languages. Rust has a steeper learning curve due to its unique ownership system, but it offers strong safety and performance benefits.

Rust vs Dart – Which is More Likely to Replace C++

Dennis M. Ritchie developed C in 1972 as a successor to the B language. It is widely used in the system as well as application programming. Its popularity has grown tremendously these years, and now an object-oriented language derivative from C called C++ is becoming a mature and stable programming language..

Rust is a system-level programming language that stands close to C++ in terms of syntax but offers high speed and memory safety. On the other hand, Dart is an object-oriented, web-based programming language that is enriched with the features of a classical programming language because it runs on both a server and a browser. Now that the two superheroes have met each other, let’s hunt for their similarities and overlaps to decide who is going to dominate the C++ world.

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Difference Between Rust and Dart

1. Syntax...





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